If you want to try the recipes Rocco (Gosh, he's cute!) offered TBL contestants, here ya go:
Rocco's Recipes
The "Chicken Alfredo" is calling my name.
Things I’m Loving: Spring Edition
18 hours ago
I HAVE MOVED! My main blog as of Sept of 2010 is TWO YEARS TO HAPPY WEIGHT AFTER. Visit me there. My post links in the updates below will link up to the new blog. THANKS for reading!
Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods
Hurray! I just watched that ep and thought it all sounded really good!
As always, participants put all their efforts to losing as much weight, as they can. They reach for their goals under the supervision of two professional trainers - Jillian and Bob.As both trainers have their advantages, whose disciple will win the show? http://www.votetheday.com/tv-15/the-biggest-loser-families-288
Mmmm I love, LOVE, Chicken Alfredo...maybe this version will actually love me back :)
Thank you for posting it!
so behind as it's all tivo'd so I had no idea about the recipes...yet.
And the winner is... YOU! Check out my blog for a very special surprise!
Dear Once Upon a Diet:
Hello. I am a university professor who is conducting research on WEIGHT LOSS BLOGGERS AND THE ROLE BLOGGING HAS PLAYED IN THE BLOGGER’S WEIGHT LOSS.
As you may be aware, a lot of research has been done over the years on weight loss but very little has been done on blogging and weight loss. I hope you will help me remedy this.
I have chosen you as a potential research participant because you have a weight loss blog, have a weight loss goal of 100 pounds or more, and have been blogging for at least three months.
If you choose to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete a survey that I will email you. Your answers will be completely confidential and I will use a pseudonym of your choice in the final study.
I have an information sheet about the study I would be happy to share with you. Please email me at aldridga@nsuok.edu if you would like to take a look at it.
Thank you for your time and congratulations on your weight loss success.
Amy Aldridge Sanford, PhD
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
Northeastern State University
Tahlequah, OK
and im not talking about his food ;)
Kelly Turner
Hey, just to war you that your new follower on twitter is me, so don;t worry if you were wondering who it was! (or, worry because you know it's me?).
Hey, how ya doing? Miss you :)
How are you doing princess?
(It is October now)
How are things going???
Hey there! I haven't been around for awhile & just wanted to check in on you! Hope things are well! Update soon!
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