A study of more than 111,000 people has shown that overweight people have heart attacks on average 12 years earlier than "normal weight" individuals. This makes obesity worse for the heart than smoking, according to this study...--from Diet Blog's "Obese Have Heart Attacks 12 Years Earlier?"
Dr. Peter McCullough, lead author of the study published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, analyzed data from a nationwide U.S. registry of people hospitalized for heart attack and unstable angina, or chest pain, from 2001 to 2007. They were grouped according to their BMI (Body Mass Index). Here's how the numbers break down:
* The heaviest people were an average of 59 years old when they had their heart attacks (average weight 280 pounds).
* That compares to an average age of 75 for the lightest group (average weight 103 pounds). Those in the "normal weight" category averaged 71 years (average weight 142 pounds)
* The rate of diabetes was 17 per cent in the leanest group, and 49 per cent in the most obese.
Disney Cruise: The Islands
23 hours ago
If I get all the parts I'll post a pic.
You make oatmeal in the slow cooker? I just do it in a saucepan, it only takes 5 minutes maximum. I make it with water, but then eat it with a little milk and splenda. Rarely I fancy something different and I'll add a little nutmeg to change it up a bit.
milky is good, but I don't mix it in. I have a sort of 'island' of thick oatmeal, and then milk around the edge, with splenda on the top. It's awesome.
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